The Millarettes plateau

The Millarettes plateau

A lookout, a viewpoint
Heritage and history
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Choose a family walk in the lavender fields and in the middle of the olive tree fields, two crops that testify of the glorious past of the agricultural city of Riez.

Riez La Romaine is a character city full of architectural heritage (columns, baptistery, Roman ruins, fountains...), but the town is also at the heart of an agricultural area and a rural environment to be discovered. During this walk, you will reach to the plateau and encounter lavender fields, olive groves, and the famous Silo de RIez (monument).

4 points of interest

  • Water and rivers

    Let's give life back to the Colostre!

    The Colostre is a biological reservoir of great importance for lower Verdon and Durance. But it lost its beauty during the twentieth century, from a bed in braids to a more straight and steep path. If the number of fish species has decreased, the river and its valley still shelter some emblematic species such as the Beaver or the Small Horseshoe bat. A restoration project is under way to restore its good functioning and all its vitality.

  • Patrimony and history

    The Blanchon fountain

    The Blanchon fountain (under the Colostre bridge) may date from half of the 18th century. We know that it was repaired in 1826. It is fed by a spring whose water arrives so far through a small underground canal that crosses the cellars of some houses. This system, sometimes poorly maintained in the past by the owners of the houses in question, sometimes diverted for their benefit, could lead to a bad flow at the fountain.

  • Patrimony and history

    The Roman columns

    The colonnade is located near the Colostre river: four monolithic Roman columns of grey granite, topped with Corinthian capitals in white marble, still support a richly carved architrave in limestone. They are the last vestiges of the portico of a temple dedicated to Apollo, raised in the late 1st century AD. Their distinctive feature is to have been kept in place since ancient times. The building was listed as a historical monument in 1840.

  • Panorama

    View of Roumoules

    On the Route de Montagnac, you'll have a breathtaking view of the town of Roumoules perched on its hillock.


From the hiking panels, at the car park of Pré-de-Foire, reach the Silo de Riez. Take the small road along the Colostre and go around the high school.

1 - At the H. Bourret Boulevard, turn left and reach the Sainte-Croix road. Cross it.

2 - At the police station, go to the right towards the Silo.

3 - On the Revesca path, turn right and head to Millarettes, then right again at the next intersection. Cross the departmental road D11 and go up the paved road across for 1.2km / less than a mile.

4 - Go up the road until the Millarettes plateau. At the ledge, take the second road on the right. Continue on the dirt road in the middle of the lavender plantations and the downy oaks for 1.6km / less than a mile.

5 - At the crossing of 3 paths, take the right trail in switchbacks, go down the valley of the Tailla through the oak trees. At the bottom of the valley, turn right. Go up the gravel path gradually until the road (point 4 -). Come back to Riez via the same route used to go.

  • Departure : From the car park of the Pré de Foire
  • Arrival : From the car park of the Pré de Foire
  • Towns crossed : Riez


Altimetric profile


We recommend 2L of water per person, a hat and proper hiking shoes. Avoid high summer temperatures, leave early. Preferred seasons: June and early July when the lavender blooms

Information desks

House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park

Domaine de Valx, 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (0)4 92 74 68 00

House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park

Find out more

OT Riez

Allées Louis Gardiol, 04500 Riez (0)4 92 77 99 09


Limitons les déplacements en voiture, pensons aux transports en commun ! - Prenez la ligne régionale BV1 entre Castellane et Riez du 9 avril au 16 octobre. Depuis Castellane, départ à 7h15, retour 16h15 et 19h10. - Prenez la ligne TransAgglo - DLVA 132 entre Gréoux les Bains et Riez du lundi au samedi, depuis Gréoux les Bains départ à 8h27, 8h47, retour à 17h50.

Access and parking

From Gréoux les Bains on the D952

Parking :

Car park of "Pré de Foire"

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