Tour du lac d'Esparron - Etape 3
Au départ vous pourrez admirer château de la famille de Castellane il représente un élément patrimonial sur lequel repose l’identité de ce village provençal avant de poursuivre sur les hauteurs d’Esparron avec une vue imprenable sur le lac aux couleurs vertes émeraudes puis vous traverserez l’immense plateau de la Séouve et ses vues sur les Alpes naissantes pour redescendre enfin sur le village Préhistorique de Quinson.
6 points of interest
- Patrimony and history
The Baron's dungeon
The memory of Boniface VI of Castellane, a fierce baron and impetuous troubadour who lived in the 13th century, still hangs over Esparron-de-Verdon, and more particularly in the renowned dungeon of his castle. Because this mighty building with its massive battlements reflects the ardour of Boniface, who challenged the new Count of Provence, Charles of Anjou, whom he called scornfully "franciot" (little Frenchman).
- Patrimony and history
Once upon a time, Vière...
Located below the castle of Esparron-de-Verdon, the Vière area, historic heart of the village, did not resist the rural exodus and was abandoned by its inhabitants. It is now in ruins, nature has reasserted itself. After rehabilitation, the site is revived and is now accessible, secured and landscaped. This is an area for strolls, between vegetation and ruins, their stones being a remembrance, which offers magnificent views of the village and the lake.
- Patrimony and history
Esparron, the small medieval lock
It was easy to cross Verdon to Esparron, the waters were calmer at the mouth of the lower gorges. A bridge, nowadays submerged by the waters of the lake, was built there in 1725. The village had therefore define an important route between Var and Haute-Provence. Its function itself is specified in its name. The medieval "Espar" is a lock. And what is this town locking? The great path, which of course, it is carefully monitoring at this period.
- Panorama
The Viewpoint Indicator Map
The viewpoint indicator map located 498m high provides views of the lake and the port of the town of Esparron du Verdon. In the distance, we can see the massif of Luberon and the Lure mountain
- Flora
The Phoenician Juniper or Mourven Provencal
It is the second Mediterranean juniper that immediately differs from its cousin, the Cade, by its innumerable ramules covered with tiny tortoiseshell leaves. Its range is also less extensive. Very xerophile, he likes the poorest scrubland, cracks of rocks and even limestone cliffs where his red brick balls defy the most insane sunshine and aridity almost absolute.
- Water and rivers
The fountain for toddlers
Seven of Quinson's eight fountains date from 1877. At that time, the waters of the Verdon were captured and channeled at Quinson to supply the region of Aix-en-Provence. The village was compensated and obtained a direct water supply. Two fountains have their overlaid basins that spread the water emphasize its abundance and indicate a certain ease. The sculptures use symbolic elements: toddlers evoking purity and youth, turtles symbol of eternity ...
Depuis le village poursuivre en direction du château sur la D82 en suivant le GR4® (balisage blanc et rouge) passer sous le château et après la grande allée de platanes prendre à droite sur le chemin de la Tuilière pendant 80m.
1 - Prendre à gauche et suivre le sentier botanique par le GR® et monter vers le plateau.
2 - Continuer par la gauche en parcourant le chemin pour atteindre la C1. Longer celle-ci avant de pénétrer dans la forêt.
3 - Prendre à droite le long de la C1 et continuer sur le GR® en lisière de la forêt.
4 - Longer la C1 jusqu’à la prochaine intersection.
5 - Prendre tout droit suivre le chemin au milieu des champs, puis des vignes avant de vous enfoncer dans la forêt pour redescendre vers Quinson.
6 - Prendre à gauche et poursuivre jusqu’au village.
- Departure : Esparron-de-Verdon
- Arrival : Quinson
- Towns crossed : Esparron-de-Verdon and Quinson
Altimetric profile
Information desks
House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park
Domaine de Valx, 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park
OT Gréoux-les-Bains
7 place de l'hôtel de ville, 04800 Gréoux-les-Bains
Access and parking
Parking :
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