Baou Mourine

Baou Mourine

A lookout, a viewpoint
Heritage and history
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A mountain bike ride to share with family in a wild nature on the Briasq trail that will take you to a lookout post with an exceptional view.

"A beautiful course in an environment steeped in history with the presence of fortified enclosures testifying to the adaptation of the so-called Celto-Ligurians 1000 years before our era. Napoleon Bonaparte also marked the village of Escragnolles by his passage on his return from the Elba island in 1815. "Jean-Luc Manneveau -The Geophiles

6 points of interest

  • Patrimony and history

    François Mireur

    Born in Escragnolles on February 9, 1770, François Mireur became a doctor at the age of 22. In June 1792 he organized the movement of volunteers from the south to Paris to fight the Austrians. He sings for the first time in Marseilles the song of Rouget-de-Lisle which will become the ";Marseillaise". General under Bonaparte at age 26, he distinguished himself by his bravery in the army of Italy, and died at the age of 28, on July 9, 1798, in Damanhour during the Egyptian campaign.

  • Patrimony and history

    In the footsteps of the Emperor

    The Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, crossed the Préalpes d'Azur in 1815. On his return from the Elba island, he brought with him an army of 1 ;200 men. He will make a stop in Escragnolles, and after 64 km of walk from Golfe-Juan, he will wait on March 2, 1815 in the village of Séranon where he bivouacked in the snow at more than 1 000 m of altitude.

  • Patrimony and history

    Fortified enclosures

    The territory of Escragnolles is framed by a dozen fortified enclosures. They have served over time, as refuges, lookouts and observations points. This one in particular (to 100 m on the left) crowns a peak at the northern end of the Baou de Mourine. Consisting of several ramparts, the main entrance to the east is still visible.

  • Fauna

    The him is hidding there!

    From his latin name Empusa pennata, it has the frail look of the Phasme, the weapons of a Praying Mantis and a sci-fi monster's head. If luck is with you, you can meet him on the side of Escragnollles, but you will have to be patient because he can remain motionless for hours. Indeed, its prey (small flies) come directly to be placed in his mandibles for a little known reason, which could be olfactory. ;

  • Flora

    Mapple trees

    The communal forest of Briasq is very rich from a landscape and natural point of view. Maple tree stations are present along the route. From its latin name Acer opalus, there is a large population on this territory, a real treat for the eyes especially when the autumn comes.

  • Panorama


    A lookout cabin located at the end of the route dominates the Siagne valley and offers an unexpected view of these gorges with vertiginous reliefs to the coast. We can see the Saint-Cassien lake and the peak of the Bear, one of the summits of the volcanic massif of Estérel. An orientation table will allow you to better distinguish the elements of the landscape.


Back to the car park, turn right on a small paved road, cross the village of Escragnolles before joining the Colette car park 750 m further.

1- Take the Briasq Forest Trail in a southerly direction to Beacon 85 (PR).

2- Turn right on a stony track. Continue for 250 m.

3- Leave it to take a left at a barrier D.F.C.I. and continue for 1.5 km to the forked intersection Turn left and go to the point of view of Baou Mourine where is watchtower established.

4- Make the return by the same route.

  • Departure : Village of Escragnolles
  • Arrival : Escragnolles
  • Towns crossed : Escragnolles


Altimetric profile


Take into account the hunting periods. Beware of grazing areas, if you encounter a protection dog, behave appropriately.

Information desks

Prealpes of Azur Regional Nature Park 4 92 42 08 63

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Access and parking

9 km east of Grasse, by the D2285 and D2210 or 25 km north of Cagnes-sur-Mer, by the RD2210.

Parking :

Escragnolles, parking situé à l'entrée ouest du village, au bord de la Route Napoléon (D6085)


Disabled toilets at the restaurant La Colette.

Disabled person
Emergency number :114


Département des Alpes-Maritimes - Randoxygène

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