The botanical trail of Tréguier

The botanical trail of Tréguier

A lookout, a viewpoint
Heritage and history
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This walk will enable you to discover the village of Moustiers with its terrace crops sustained by dry-stone walls called "restanques" and olive plantations.

Roaming the botanical trail of Tréguier is to discover twenty information boards on different plant species of the area. It is walking up to a promontory overlooking the valley of Angouire with a remarkable view of lake Sainte-Croix.

4 points of interest

  • Savoir-faire

    The earthenware from Moustiers

    The fame of Moustiers is not only due to its site, as unique as it is. For many connoisseurs, Moustiers is synonymous of pottery and ancient coins made from "Moustiers", which are among the finest earthenware pieces in France and are highly sought after by connoisseurs. Many museums, many castles or aristocratic houses have one or more older pieces from Moustiers. One can admire them at the Sèvres Museum, the Museum of Lyon and the Louvre.

  • Patrimony and history

    Sainte-Anne Chapel

    The chapel was built in the 16th century, in the place of a chapel of the 12th century, with recovered materials from the towers and ramparts which were useless.

  • Patrimony and history

    The stone benches of Moustiers

    The Provençal term "bancau" (pronounced bancaou) means literally "flower bed", "cultivated bed" and in a broader sense "crop-growing terrace" and here in Moustiers, a beautiful olive grove is cultivated. An olive grove is an orchard of olive trees, mainly for olive cultivation and production of olive oil. The olive groves are mainly located in the Mediterranean countries and in the Middle East. There are olive groves in Provence, in southern France

  • Panorama

    View from the viewpoint

    A plunging view of Lake Sainte-Croix.


Coming out the car park of the heights of Moustiers, go straight to the cemetery. Pass it and go towards the Chapel of St. Anne. Now head to the terrace crop area. After the olive groves, continue under the oaks in the middle of the restanques. Walk on flat ground for 1km.

1 - Then gradually go up on the left.

2 - At the crossroads, climb the path on the left and roam through a new decking area. Cross the ravine of Courchon and join after a slight rise in the woods, the rocky outcrop overlooking the valley of Angouire. Follow the signs and stay on the ledge to watch the valley of Angouire below (vertiginous path!).

3 - The same route is used for the return.

  • Departure : In front of the Chapel of St. Anne, Moustiers Sainte Marie
  • Arrival : In front of the Chapel of St. Anne, Moustiers Sainte Marie
  • Towns crossed : Moustiers-Sainte-Marie


Altimetric profile


300 last metres to go, a difficult path among slippery blocks in wet weather. Vertiginous rocky peak (747m).

Information desks

House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park

Domaine de Valx, 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (0)4 92 74 68 00

House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park

Find out more

OT Moustiers Sainte-Marie

Maison de Lucie - Place de l’Eglise, 04360 Moustiers Sainte-Marie (0)4 92 74 67 84


Limitons les déplacements en voiture, pensons aux transports en commun ! - Prenez la ligne régionale BV1bis entre Riez et Castellane du 1 mai au 30 septembre Depuis Riez, départ 9h05, 10h35 retour 13h50, et 17h15, 19h40 (E1) du 1/07/22 au 31/08/22 Depuis Castellane, départ à 7h15, retour 16h35 et 19h30 (E1) du 1/07/22 au 31/08/22

Access and parking

From the village of Moustiers Sainte Marie.

Parking :

Car park at the heights of Moustiers (paid parking)

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