Around Saint-Gabriel

Around Saint-Gabriel

Farming and pastoralism
Heritage and history
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Take a stroll on the rich and varied paths to discover the pastoral activity on the territory of the Alpilles!

A Saint-Gabriel, la nature des Alpilles et l’élevage pastoral se marient superbement à un patrimoine historique exceptionnel. Depuis des siècles, Saint-Gabriel constitue un point de rencontre idéal pour les hommes, de même qu’un lieu de rassemblement des troupeaux sur la Routo de transhumance. Ainsi, c’est en suivant les pas de la transhumance que se révèlent les facettes méconnues de ce secteur privilégié, porte d’entrée du Parc naturel régional des Alpilles. 

7 points of interest

  • Flora

    The Mediterranean pine forest

    The pine forest is an environment composed of many pine trees that were planted or not. We find them very often in the south of France because these trees need dry soil and very little water to live. After a forest fire, common in areas with dry climates, pine, especially Aleppo pine, is the variety that grows back the fastest.

  • Elevage et pastoralisme

    The herds against the fire

    The landscape of the Alpilles has been shaped by centuries of grazing. In the mountains, sheep and goat flocks or cattle herds all play an important part in the maintenance of the natural area: by eating the grass and some of the tree sprouts and shrubs, they slow down the overrunning. The area thus remains open and grasslands are maintained. This practice helps to protect the forest against fire and the preservation of the Mediterranean biodiversity.

  • Patrimony and history

    The castrum of Saint-Gabriel

    Under the authority of the counts of Provence, a castrum (fortified site) was built in the 13th century to defend Tarascon and the traffic routes. The number of soldiers present varies depending on the events until the end of the 16th century. Today, only the main tower and vestiges remain. The facing of the tower is adorned with a remarkable boss. On the blocks of stones, the different signs makes it possible to identify the stone carver and to pay him accordingly.

  • Patrimony and history

    Saint-Gabriel chapel

    In the early Middle Ages, a first church was erected in the place of a former place of pagan worship. Dedicated to the archangel Gabriel, it is a milestone in the Way of St James trail. The present chapel was built in the 12th century and reflects the splendour of early Romanesque art in Provence, as shown in its architecture: its Antique façade, monumental gate, sculpted friezes, or its oculus decorated with symbols of the four Evangelists.

  • Flora

    The Aleppo pine

    The Aleppo pine is common in the Alpilles. Indeed, beyond the fact that it enjoys low altitudes (900m below) and the Mediterranean regions (hot climate, dry soils, lots of sun), it has the distinctive feature of growing very quickly. This is why we can see its presence after a forest fire, because this is the first variety which will restore the landscape. Highly flammable, its bark was once used for tanning hides or dyes.

  • Fauna

    The White-fronted Dectic

    The White-fronted Dectic is a typical Mediterranean grasshopper that lives in hot, dry places. He frequents the scrubland and sometimes vineyards and orchards. With a size between 32 and 40 mm, the White-fronted Dectic is one of the largest Orthoptera present in Western Europe. His diet consists of various plants and small insects. The insect is adult from the month of July and remains until November.

  • Elevage et pastoralisme

    The Rove goat

    The Rove goat is a countryside breed, easily recognizable with his lyre-shaped horns. It is generally found within large sheep flocks of Provence, which in summer, transhumance on foot towards the Alps. They had multiple roles: leading the sheep flock, feeding lambs, food subsistence for shepherds with goat milk and goat meat. After nearly disappearing in the 1970s, the breed now exceeds 10 000 goats.


Du départ, passer la barrière et suivre le chemin sur la gauche balisé PR. Au large carrefour de pistes avec une citerne enterrée, continuer en suivant le panneau "Chapelle St Gabriel 0,8 km".
1 – A la vue du Castrum, prendre à gauche jusqu’a la chapelle Saint-Gabriel. Revenir au point n°1 et emprunter à gauche. A la fourche, gravir le chemin de droite balisé PR. Continuer sur 1,2 km. (!) Ne pas emprunter le chemin à droite balisé d'une flèche bleue.
2 - Au croisement, basculer à droite, en suivant le panneau du département"Chapelle St Gabriel 2 km". Suivre ce chemin balisé PR et GR® sur 1 km et rejoindre le premier carrefour. Emprunter à gauche et revenir au point de départ.

  • Departure : Car park of Planet, in Tarascon
  • Arrival : Car park of Planet, in Tarascon
  • Towns crossed : Tarascon and Saint-Étienne-du-Grès


Altimetric profile


En été, les espaces naturels sont plus exposés aux risques d’incendie. L’accès est réglementé par arrêté préfectoral du 1er juin au 30 septembre pour protéger les promeneurs et les sites. Renseignez-vous pendant la période estivale au 08 11 20 13 13 (prix d'un appel local) ou sur
Cet itinéraire vous a plu ? Redécouvrez-le accompagné lors d'une sortie marquée Valeurs Parc avec les P'tits ânes.
Renseignements : Christelle DUBOIS - 06 68 34 62 59 -

Information desks

Bureau d'information touristique (BIT) de Tarascon en Provence

62 rue des Halles, 13150 Tarascon en Provence (0)4 90 91 03 52

House of the Alpilles Regional Nature Park

2, boulevard Marceau, 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (0)4 90 90 44 00

Located in the heart of the city centre of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, the House of the Alpilles Nature Park welcomes you to its completely renovated premises. This new vibrant place is multifunctional: it accommodates the Park's engineering team but also has a public reception space and showrooms. A true resource centre of the Park's heritage, it aims to support and promote locals, visitors and tourists on all 16 municipalities of the Park.

Open Monday to Friday, from 9 am at 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5 pm.

Free admission.

Find out more


Chercher les horaires des transports en communs sur le site sur la commune de Tarascon.

Access and parking

A 14 km au sud-sud-ouest de Saint-Rémy de Provence par les D99, D32 et D33. Parking aménagé du Planet (commune de Tarascon), 800 m à gauche après la chapelle Saint-Gabriel en direction de Fontvieille.

Parking :

Parking du Planet, en bordure de la D33, entre Tarascon et Fontvielle


Donkey hiking
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