The Tirail on mountain bike

The Tirail on mountain bike

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Fast, beautiful and efficient, an alternative to the Bertins and perfect for tight schedules.

An easy climb, steady with nice views over the valleys of the Guil and Malrif to quickly reach a thrilling descent on a single track.

2 points of interest

  • Panorama


    Clear view of the village of Abriès and the top of the Guil valley.
  • Fauna

    The Great Green Bush-Cricket

    Like all katydids, the Great Green Bush-Cricket has long and thin antennae. They can reach up to 3 times the size of the body. In contrast, short-horned grasshoppers have short and articulated antennae. The Great Green Bush-Cricket likes open areas, meadows, grasslands, bushes ... Sometimes eating plants, it feeds primarily on other insects, caterpillars and larvae, which makes it very useful for gardeners!


At the top of the parking lot, follow the hairpin bend on the left and at the exit, immediately take the road going up on the right. Follow this road until it becomes a dirt road.
1 - From here, turn left and take a rising false flat track.
2 - At the point "the Chatelard", turn left and descend towards the Tirail. Cross the hamlet, continue the descent to reach the GR 58.
3 - Turn left and follow the GR to Abriès.

  • Departure : Abriès
  • Arrival : Abriès
  • Towns crossed : Abriès-Ristolas


Altimetric profile


From the same car park, it is possible to walk to Tirail through a more pastoral path. Follow the route described above. At a large hairpin bend on the right of the track, take the left path and regain directly the Tirail.

Information desks

House of the Queyras Regional Nature Park

3580 Route de l’Izoard, 05350 Arvieux (0)4 92 46 88 20

The House of the Queyras Regional Nature Park is closed to the public.

Find out more

OTI du Guillestrois et du Queyras

Maison du Tourisme du Queyras, 05350 Château-Ville-Vieille (0)4 92 46 76 18


05 Voyageur: 04 92 502 505 Tourist Office of Queyras : 04 92 46 76 18

Access and parking

Reach Abriès, park on the left just before the bridge of Torrent de Bouchet.

Parking :

Car park of the avenue du Bouchet

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